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The 10 Best Ways to Repurpose Your Content (transcribed by Sonix)


Marley Baird: Most marketers spend hours upon hours each day trying to come up with all their social media content. It's a never-ending, adrenaline-filled moment of trying to look for content pieces that your audiences will love. Been there. Done that. Every day can be a struggle to push through. But I have a solution. I'm going to show you how to repurpose one single piece of content into ten different content pieces.

Marley Baird: Life is about to get easier right now. And if you want to learn more I can show you how I create 60 days of content in just under eight hours. With my ten social media content types and formulas I could create video content, images, text-based post that pulls my audience in and gets them to engage on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Marley Baird: If you want to learn how to implement this in your own business, register for my free masterclass: How to Create 60 Days of Social Media and Video Content in 8 Hours. Just click on the link below. Now, let's get started on those ten fresh pieces of repurposed, social media content.

Number 1: Create an infographic

Marley Baird: Number one: create an infographic. Pick your best tweets and use Canva to design them into an infographic. Canva is my favorite graphic design software and it's completely free and I have a tutorial that shows you exactly how to use it. You can click the link below. I have that linked in the description if you want to learn how to use Canva.

Number 2: Livestream

Marley Baird: Number two: livestream. People want to see you implement what it is that you say you do. So, take it to a whole new level by livestreaming. After broadcasting, there's even an opportunity you can embed the video recording that you just did on your site.

Number 3: Share a question

Marley Baird: Number three: share a question. You can either ask the question to get the gears turning for your audience or you can share an answer to a related question.

Number 4: Create a blog post

Marley Baird: Number four: create a blog post. Harvest your content and expand on it. Talk more about what your followers want to know in a long, form written format.

Number 5: Create a webinar

Marley Baird: Number five: webinar. Use your other repurposed content from any social media platform and host a specific webinar on that content. Create a slideshow out of this webinar that you can also share as well.

Number 6: Quote images

Marley Baird: Number six: quote images. Capture important quotes and post them as images. Take advantage of key hashtags and relay them. You can easily create this through Canva.

Number 7: Create images for Pinterest and Facebook

Marley Baird: Number seven: create images for Pinterest and Facebook. This content can be a bulleted list that has shareable content which features important notes and phrases on your topic of content.

Number 8: Create an email autoresponder series

Marley Baird: Number eight: email autoresponder series. Create an email series based on the topic that you can send to your audience. Maybe people on your email list want to learn more in-depth on a topic and you can ask them to sign up for a three-part series where you can teach them more in depth.

Number 9: Create bonus material

Marley Baird: Number nine: create bonus material. Use your content as an entry way to develop an opt-in that can be downloaded by your users. Create checklists, calendars and anything workable and digital.

Number 10: Create an e-book

Marley Baird: Number ten: e-books. Consolidate all the content you've generated into one e-book that captures the one singular important theme.

Establish yourself as an authority in your niche

Marley Baird: Congratulations. You've transformed one single piece of content into ten possible content pieces. And this is so important to keep showing up for your audience being consistent and providing value so that your audience can know, like and trust you which only grows your following and helps you to generate sales ten times easier. Each repurpose brings you closer to your goals and establishes you as an authority in your niche.

Marley Baird: Thanks for watching. If you like this video, hit the thumbs-up, comment below and, of course, subscribe for more weekly videos.

Sonix is the best video transcription software in 2018.

The above video transcript for "The 10 Best Ways to Repurpose Your Content" was transcribed by the best video transcription service called Sonix. Transcribing and editing video files is painful. Need to quickly convert your video files to text? Try Sonix today. Signing up for a free trial account is easy.



あなたの SEO を改善しましょう





ユーザーは、Sonix media playerの翻訳言語切り替えを1回クリックするだけで、必要な言語に切り替えることができます。

マーケティング担当者向けのコラボレーションと文字起こしは簡単です 🚄





他のチームメンバーが使用できるように主要なサウンドバイトをハイライトします。Google ドキュメントのように、トランスクリプトの主要部分の横にコメントを付けたりメモを取ったりできます。



コンテンツマーケティング担当者:3つの簡単なステップで文字起こしを自動化 📝

ステップ 1: アカウントを作成する

Sonixアカウントを無料で作成してください。すべてのトライアルアカウントには、 30 minutes の無料インタビュー文字起こしが付属しています。クレジットカードは不要です。

ステップ 2: マーケティングメディアをアップロードする


ステップ 3: 分析と共有


マーケティング担当者が音声をテキストに変換する最良の方法 🚀



ソニックスを無料でお試しください無料のトランスクリプション ( 30 minutes) が含まれます


受賞歴のある当社のチームがお客様の質問に答える準備ができているので、自信を持って文字起こしと翻訳ができます。 当社にアクセスして、すぐにサポートを受けてください ヘルプセンター, リソース, チュートリアル, およびソニックスの紹介ビデオ.


興味があるかもしれません 🤔