Application programming interface

The powerful automated transcription that you love in an easy to integrate API

Easily integrate the Sonix API within your workflow, applications, internal tools, or business processes. It is powerful, flexible, and works the way you want to.

無料トライアルには、 30 minutes の無料トランスクリプションが含まれています。


Programmatically upload your files and we will return the transcript to you in record time with our cutting-edge AI.


Accurate transcription for all of your files. Independently reviewed.


Our API is billed the same way as if you uploaded to Sonix. Save time by uploading files in batches, no complicated billing.

なぜソニックスなのか?Best for your workflow

Workflows are getting more and more complicated. Programmatically fit Sonix into your workflow. It is simple and painless.

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Programmers: Automated transcription via a powerful API ⚙

Step 1: Create account

Create your Sonix account for free. Every trial account comes with 30 minutes free transcription. No credit card required.

Step 2: Get your API key

Log into your account and generate your API key to access our API.

Step 3: Integrate with our API

Read our detailed API documentation and start testing our API for free.

Don't want to code? Explore our Zapier integrations 🔌

Want to see more? Sonix integrates with tons of other applications with Zapier

Sonix API Features 🔌

Best-in-class accuracy

Our advanced speech-to-text algorithms are the most accurate. Don't believe us, go ahead and test us against the competition.

Really fast transcription

Our powerful AI algorithms and super fast computers can transcribe a 15 minute file in less time than it takes to play it.

Affordable transcription

Flexible pricing that fits your usage. Don't break into your piggy bank to get high quality transcription.

Easily upload audio & video

We transcribe most of the common audio and video file formats: supported audio formats and supported video formats.

Flexible output formats

Get a link to your transcript in the Sonix editor or receive the transcript in JSON, DOCX, PDF, SRT, VTT, or as plain text.

Improvements every day

We keep optimizing our language models and adding more features to our API based on requests from our developer community.

Our API documentation is very detailed—see for yourself

Read the Sonix API documentation


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興味があるかもしれません 🤔