Making It Media

Making It Media uses Sonix to grab soundbites and improve client workflow

Making It Media works with live broadcast clients (CBS, ABC, FOX, CW, NBC) with quick turnaround times. They need to review soundbites prior to going on air.

With Sonix’s clips feature, they easily highlight a soundbite and share it with their clients. It's now fast and easy for the production team to get client feedback.

It’s literally perfect!Please never go away, Sonix!”

Making It Media uses Sonix to transcribe their videos and create soundbites for their clients to review & approve

How Making It Media uses Sonix ⚙

What is Making It Media?

Making It Media is a full scale production and marketing company that connects major brands and local businesses with local TV networks (CBS, ABC, FOX, CW, NBC, etc.).

The challenge

As a growing marketing and production agency, Making It Media needed a way to streamline our workflow with our clients. All the back and forth reviewing and approving soundbites and segments is cumbersome, slow, and inefficient. Sending clients longer recordings makes the whole process time consuming and problematic for editors.

The solution

Today, Making It Media uses Sonix to transcribe interviews and quickly identify soundbites and share those soundbites with their clients in seconds. From there, Making It Media gets feedback quickly and collaborates more effectively to produce amazing segments.

“Sonix bridges the gap so clients know exactly what was said and how it was said. It’s amazing!

The results

Making It Media is not only saving time and money using Sonix, they have improved their client / agency workflow. Their clients appreciate the efficiency and Making It Media has received feedback that their segments are now “1,000% better.”

“Sonix is now a critical part of our workflow. Our clients love it and we love it. Win-win!”

Transcribe your videos and easily extract short soundbites just like Making It Media 🚀

Share soundbites with automated transcription


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