Write about Sonix. Get a free annual subscription.

Free Annual Premium Plan — a $198+ value!

Write a 300+ word article about Sonix and post it on your website for a free annual subscription to our Premium Plan.

How it works ✏

Step 1

Sign up for a free Sonix trial account.

Step 2

Write a 300+ word article about why your audience should use Sonix. Please include a link to Sonix (www.sonix.ai) so they can easily find us.

Step 3

Email a link to the article to our team.

Step 4

If the article is approved, we'll email you details about how to claim your free annual subscription to our Premium Plan. Transcription is an additional charge at $5.00 per hour, please see details below.

Details, details, details 📖

Only new Sonix customers qualify for this promotion.

If your article is approved, we'll set up your account for a free single-user annual subscription to the Premium Plan.

Transcription is an additional charge at $5.00 per hour.

The Premium Plan consists of two components: a subscription charge and a transcription charge. You'll need to have a credit card on file for the transcription charges. Our pricing page has more information.

We reserve the right to review and approve each article and determine whether it qualifies for the promotion.

We reserve to the right to remove the promotion from your account if the article is no longer publicly accessible online.

Please use correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar. We prefer posts on websites and blogs with established audiences. We do not accept posts on social media, craigslist, or forums.

If you've already been paying for Sonix, we can't refund or discount any payments made. If you have any other questions regarding our discount program, please email us here.

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Probeer Sonix gratisInclusief 30 minutes gratis transcriptie

Laat ons supportteam u helpen met al uw geautomatiseerde transcriptievragen. Afgebeeld: Christine Lee

Transcribeer en vertaal vol vertrouwen, in de wetenschap dat je wordt ondersteund door ons bekroonde team, dat klaar staat om je vragen te beantwoorden. Krijg onmiddellijke hulp door een bezoek te brengen aan onze Help-centrum, middelen, tutorials, en Inleiding tot Sonix-video's.

Bezoek ons Helpcentrum

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