Even better pricing. For students. For non-profits. For schools. For faculty. For universities.

Explore Our Special Discounts

Our prices are already low, but we have even better prices for educational institutions and non-profits.

Sonix special discounts 📖

Do you offer any educational discounts?

Yes, we were once students too! And we had teachers who gave us really hard assignments.

Are you a teacher or student at a K-12 school or university? Do you agree to use this Sonix account only for classroom work? If you answered yes to both questions, here's what you need to do:

Step 1: Create a free trial account using your school's email address. You'll get 30 minutes free transcription & translation to try us out!

Step 2: You'll see the “Apply for discount” button at the top after signing into Sonix if you have a student email.

What if I am using my student email address, but I do not see the "Apply for discount" button?Oh no! Chances are that your educational email address isn't on our list. We have a large set of edu domains that we track, but we might be missing yours! Simply send us an email us from your educational address and we may be able to help!

Step 3: Complete the form with all of the relevant information. We'll apply the discount to your account after we verify everything.

Do you offer discounts for non-profits?

Yes, we love people who are helping make the world a better place!

Are you part of a non-profit organization, recognized by the state, territory, commonwealth, or tribe in which it is located? Do you agree to use this Sonix account only for non-profit work? If you answered yes to both, you qualify. Here's what you need to do:

Step 1: Sign up for a free trial account. Please use your organization's official email account server with domain name. We are unable to extend non-profit discounts to personal email addresses.

Step 2: Try Sonix and fall in love with our transcription software. You'll get 30 minutes free transcription & translation as part of your trial account. No strings attached!

Step 3: Email us with a copy of your official non-profit paperwork after you sign up. You can save up to 50% off depending on your monthly transcription volume. We'd love to help you!

Details, details, details 📖

Please use your school/university/non-profit email addresses when creating a new account or contacting us.

All discounted plans are for a single-user account. If you need multi-user options, please email us here.

If you have any other questions regarding our discount program or require specific customizations, please email us here.

All plans consist of two components: a subscription charge and a transcription charge. Our pricing page has more information.

If you've already been paying for Sonix, we cannot refund or discount payments made before your discount started.

We reserve the right to end the discount program due to chronic abuse or other circumstances. If we do, anyone who is already participating will continue to have their discounts applied. We just won't offer up new free or discounted accounts.

Sonix pricing philosophy 🍻

Transparent pricing

No fine print. No hidden charges. You'll always know what your charges are.

Free trial

See if Sonix works for you. 30 minutes of transcription included for free.

Free setup

Set up your account for free. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

Лучший сервис автоматической транскрипции в 2025 🚀

Легко конвертировать аудио в текст с Sonix

Sonix автоматически транскрибирует, переводит и помогает организовать ваши аудио и видео файлы на более чем 40 языках. Быстро, точно и доступно. Миллионы пользователей со всего мира.

Попробуйте Sonix бесплатноВключае 30 minutes бесплатной транскрипции

Позвольте нашей службе поддержки помочь вам со всеми вашими вопросами автоматической транскрипции. На фото: Кристин Ли

Транскрибируйте и переводите уверенно, зная, что вас поддерживает наша отмеченная наградами команда, готовая ответить на ваши вопросы. Получите немедленную помощь, посетив наш Справочный центр, ресурсов, учебники, и Введение в видео Sonix.

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