AVA - S01E01 - Facing Fate_Luna Corp - Day 01.mp3
AVA - S01E01 - Facing Fate_Luna Corp - Day 01.mp3: Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix
AVA - S01E01 - Facing Fate_Luna Corp - Day 01.mp3: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Narrator (Russ):
Facing Fate - Season One, Luna Corp. Day one.
Narrator (Russ):
Cameras coming in over the moon surface and there is a mining truck driving back towards base and Brutus and Persephone are in said vehicle coming back to the base.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
And then I said, get the fuck out of my room. I mean, like, how many times do I have to tell this guy you can't just walk in someone's room on the base? It's just not done.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
Brutus, Brutus, I'm going to stop you there. I'm one day from retirement. I don't want to hear this story again. Just let me work my last shift in peace, bud.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
All right, all right. I'm just I'm just saying, like, there's there's ways that things are done and there's ways that things are not done.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
By the way, I love the sash that you got me that says one day away from retirement. It's awesome.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Oh, and not many people last as long as you did up here. Like, you know, you train, you train me and everything.
Narrator (Russ):
As you guys are driving in, an alarm goes off on the dash. And it's something that has to do with the actual intake system on the driver truck.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
<Brutus bangs his fist against it like you would like a fucked up TV from the nineties.> Damn thing's been going off and on like... Someone needs to service this thing.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
When was the last time we had in the shop?
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Oh, I don't know. Check, check the logs. I don't keep track. Stuff like that. Details...
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
<I root around in the glove box and flip through the maintenance log> It was just in there last week and it should be fine. Are you sure this is where we got a problem going on?
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
No, no, no, there's no problem. I mean, like if someone's not doing their job right, someone's not doing their job right over and maintenance. I'm going to have a word with them.
Narrator (Russ):
You get over your PA intercom system. The technician in the booth right now, Cecilia, she comes over because she's noticed that there's an issue with the vehicle as well.
Cecilia (Carla):
Uh hey guys, I noticed that a light went on, what's going on out there. Something wrong?
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Someone in maintenance and doing their fucking job, Cecilia.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
Yeah, we're we're not really sure there Cici, because we had this thing in there last week for service and now we got a light coming on.
Cecilia (Carla):
Ok, well, you know, the protocol means you guys are going to have go...to have to go in isolation for a little while. I've got to check that out. Sorry.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
That's bullshit. That's bullshit. I'm not going into isolation.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
Did I mention him one day from retirement. Could this day get any worse?
Cecilia (Carla):
It's just that the rules and regulations state that it's pretty important that you guys go into isolation...
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
AHH rules and regulation!
Cecilia (Carla):
...Because I think that I wouldn't want to get trouble If I let you guys in.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
Fuckin' Cecilia... everytime.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Cecilia you better not fucking lock that door.
Cecilia (Carla):
I'm probably going to have to call my supervisor... or else I'm just going to have to keep you guys in isolation.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
You fucking call your supervisor Cecilia!
Narrator (Russ):
During this conversation, the mining truck has made its way back to base.
Amy (OOC):
I feel like I'm sitting outside like a garage door just like, "Open the fucking door Cecilia!"
Tom (OOC):
Just like laying on the horn.
Carla (OOC):
Totally. Totally. Oh yeah.
Narrator (Russ):
So, yeah, you've made it back to the base at this point where all the trucks pull and you pull into the bay and the bay itself closes behind you. So you are in... Technically isolation right now.
Amy (OOC):
Don't have to say this,
Narrator (Russ):
But so you're in a garage and it's it can be hermetically sealed like it can be,
Amy (OOC):
I assume, every single piece of the base.
Carla (OOC):
Amy (OOC):
Assuming it has doors could probably be hermetically sealed. Yeah.
Narrator (Russ):
So You are now back in the base.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
<Brutus gets out of the vehicle and gives it like a swift kick to the outside, just like> God <Crash> Damned piece of machine is a piece of crap. Where the maintenance guys?!
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
<Persephone starts to do like a visual inspection on the truck.>
Narrator (Russ):
You know that the intake system is like where you figure there's venting and tubes that come up underneath the actual truck. So if you were to figure out what's going on under there, you would have to get underneath. And as Brutus is kicking and banging at the truck, you notice moondust like coming off of the vehicle itself and, you know moondust can create some electrical charge. And that's probably not a good idea.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
Yeah, I tell her to stop kicking the fucking truck already. Don't you see all the moondust you're knocking off?
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
No, I'll get off my back. There's always a scrap bit of moondust here and there on these old pieces of shit.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
I just want to get through this shift. I've got that shuttle back home waiting for me. I can go on my boat with my husband. It's going to be great. I just got to make it through this last shift.
Narrator (Russ):
You look through the window towards Cecelia, who's standing and apparently talking to her supervisor. And she comes back on the P.A. system.
Cecilia (Carla):
Uh, so my supervisor won't answer my call because I call my supervisor... I guess too much, so I can't get my supervisor on the phone right now. But if you guys could umm... why don't you just check? I mean, you been here a long time Persephone, if you tell me it's good, then I'm sure it's probably good, cause you're the most experienced person here... so why don't you just take a look.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
All right. All right. I'll I'll shimmy under the truck and see what's what.
Amy (OOC):
Brutus helps her get a jack and...
Narrator (Russ):
There's no Jack. It's a big fucking machine. Like there's not a jack in there. Yeah, like there's this.
Amy (OOC):
Oh, yeah. It's a mooon. There's probably a lot of space under there.
Amy (OOC):
Ok, from off of one of the wall because I assume what I'm imagining is like a almost like a little mini shop like so there's like the little roll-y thingies on the floor and I roll one towards her so that she can get under there. And, you know, do like the scoot thing... That's technical, It's OK if you don't understand.
Tom (OOC):
Do that Boot Scootin Boogie.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Come on, Persephone, let's get this done. I'm Hungry. And it's Taco night!
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
I am hurrying. I'm hurrying.
Narrator (Russ):
So you're checking around the vehicle. Make a check.
Tom (OOC):
That is an even... Two pluses and two negatives.
Narrator (Russ):
So it's mediocre. So we'll say that it's a..
Amy (OOC):
That's hurtful... That's just mediocre.
Narrator (Russ):
Yeah, we'll say that it's a yeah an investigate check. And because you know the system so well, we'll say that's probably a at least a good.
Tom (OOC):
OK, so I got three then.
Narrator (Russ):
OK, you find this the system that should be affected by it and you're looking, but you can't quite get the piece off that you know. But, you know Brutus has some tools on his belt that could probably help you out with this.
Tom (OOC):
I, I wheel myself over there and peek out from out of the truck.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
Brutus I need those... I need those tools off your belt.
Amy (OOC):
Brutus looks down. He's got like a rather large belt.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Which one?
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
You know, the one to get the get the cap off.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Oh yeah. The the nine millimeter.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
Yeah, that one. (group laughing)
Tom (OOC):
So I take the nine millimeter.
Amy (OOC):
Is it a gun? Is it a wrench? We're not sure.
Tom (OOC):
I, I'm not really sure.
Amy (OOC):
And I just bust a cap in it and that's how you get the cap off.
Tom (OOC):
Narrator (Russ):
Make a roll just because we're trying to justify the FATE dice. Maybe a crafts roll?
Tom (OOC):
A minus one... So far the rolls are not great.
Narrator (Russ):
If you want to you can invoke the "around before the isolation systems." If you wanted to spend a FATE point to get a plus 2.
Tom (OOC):
Sure. Let's do it.
Narrator (Russ):
To say that you know the system so well. It takes you a bit, but you get the cap off and it's it's pretty dark in there, like you can't quite see and you reach up into it. You kind of get like you can kind of just with your fingertips. Like if you took your suit arm off, you could probably reach in a little further just because of how bulky everything is.
Tom (OOC):
Well, I mean, being only one day away from retirement, I think I need to figure out what the fuck this problem is so I can get on with my life. So, yeah, I'll shimmy my sleeve up and jam my hand back in there.
Amy (OOC):
Carla (OOC):
Can Cecelia's see this? I guess not, because she's under the truck.
Narrator (Russ):
You can probably see that Persephony has gone under and that she's reaching something and make a notice roll and we'll say that you are you're fair at noticing. I think it's notice.
Carla (OOC):
OK, I have two pluses. One minus and a blank. What does that mean?
Narrator (Russ):
Two plus is one. But so what. So the equals is one on your dice roll and then we'll say that you have a fair notice is what I said. So that's a plus two. So that's a three.
Narrator (Russ):
So yeah, you see Persephone's begin to take off my glove so that she can shimmy up her sleeve. And I mean by the book, that's probably not a good idea before everybody's been decontaminated.
Cecilia (Carla):
Persephony... Regulation say that you probably shouldn't be doing that. I don't think that you should I don't think, you know, do it better than me. But, you know, that seems like probably a bad idea. Definitely against the rules... I don't know if you should be doing that.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
Kid, when you've been around as long as I have, you don't have any fucks to give anymore, (GROUP LAUGHS)
Carla (OOC):
Ok, I mean, I guess you know a lot more than I do about it.
Tom (OOC):
And I continue on with my game plan.
Narrator (Russ):
You pull up despite the protests. What's Brutus doing?
Amy (OOC):
Brutus is leaning again. Do we have, like, space helmets on? What kind of.
Narrator (Russ):
Yeah. You tuition here. Yeah. While you're out there, you have like full helmet and everything on.
Amy (OOC):
What about in here?
Narrator (Russ):
Well, I'd say a smart person would probably have kept everything on.
Amy (OOC):
Oh, yeah, Brutus definitely took his helmet off.
Narrator (Russ):
Ok, so you probably got lectured by Cecilia on that, too.
Cecilia (Carla):
Brutus that definitely is a really bad idea. You shouldn't have done that. THat's definitely against the rules.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Cecilia! Just let Persephony work. She cannot figure this out with you yammering on.
Narrator (Russ):
Persephony, You reach up into the vent system there and you grab hold of, just kind of shimmy your arm up. And it kind of stings a little just because of how you're trying to bend it and get it up there. But you reach and you grab hold of what feels like a solid, hard moon rock, bigger than most. That kind of gets churned out because there's blades that churn up and break these things down. But this one has made its way past and up into the system somehow. And you grab hold of it and make a strength check.
Tom (OOC):
So I'm envisioning like, when you're trying to steal something from a vending machine.
Narrator (Russ):
Yeah, exactly.
Tom (OOC):
That's what's going on here?
Narrator (Russ):
Sorry.. an athletics check and I'll let you decide how good or bad Persephony is at athletics.
Tom (OOC):
Being a little older I'm going to say she's not great at athletics. Like she's in OK shape, but maybe like average at best. Yeah, average fare. So she got a one. So if it's fair, that's two. If it's or if it's averages, we'll go with average. So it's a two.
Narrator (Russ):
You're trying to wiggle this rock free, but you can't quite shimmy it out of its place. So you're pretty sure this is what setting off the alarm, but you can't quite get it out.
Tom (OOC):
Ok, so I'm going to wheel myself out from under the truck.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
There's just there's just a moon rock stuck up there. It should be totally fine.
Tom (OOC):
As I'm putting my glove and sleeves back on here.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Hear that Cecilia? It's just a moon rock stuck up in there. What do you... What do you want?
Cecilia (Carla):
Is taht pretty normal? That doesn't seem like something that's probably very good though.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
Yeah, it's probably not very good, but yeah, that's happened before. There's always moon rocks kicking around in places. Don't worry about it Cici.
Cecilia (Carla):
All right. You know, but you're going to have to wait it out, right. Until we get sorted out? I don't know if you want to. We've got to get this alarm to stop before you can come in. Brutus You want to. You want to try it.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Yes. Yes. All right. Out of the way, lady.
Narrator (Russ):
So Persephone shows you where you need to go.
Amy (OOC):
Brutus just scoots himself underneath and takes his glove off because he was watching Persephone and reaches his hand.
Narrator (Russ):
You reach up into and you've got longer arms than Persephone does. So you're able to like handle ball the rock that's in there and it's wedged pretty tight. But make an athletics,
Amy (OOC):
Oh no, I have to roll something.
Cecilia (Carla):
You're strong Brutus, I'm sure you'll be able to do it.
Amy (OOC):
Uh, two plus is a minus and a blank. Do the blanks just not count as anything?
Narrator (Russ):
Blanks are zero.
Amy (OOC):
Narrator (Russ):
So you've got one. I'll let you decide where Brutus is at his athletics.
Amy (OOC):
I think that he's probably I think he's great. Yeah I think he's great. I feel like he's like a really burly tough guy.
Narrator (Russ):
You get up there and it's stuck a little bit, but then you just use all your strength and just pull it out and just moondust explodes out of the bottom of this vent and down onto the ground. And you notice little electrical jumps between them, but you're holding the moon rock and like it seems like a moon rock.
Amy (OOC):
I wheel myself slowly out from under it and I hold it up. Has the alarm gone off like or stopped?
Narrator (Russ):
Is anybody checked it? It's just in the truck.
Tom (OOC):
I'll go. I'll go have a look at the dash.
Amy (OOC):
I get up and I wave the rock in front of Cecilia's face through the window.
Narrator (Russ):
So he goes up and checks the dash and the alarm has gone off. And as you're waving the moon rock, you see... Coming out the back is like a black shadow or ooze that starts coming out down your hand and up your arm and up your sleeve.
Narrator (Russ):
Make a will check.
Amy (OOC):
Well, that's minus two.
Narrator (Russ):
Yeah. So how good is Brutus at will?
Amy (OOC):
I think he is probably... Because he refuses to be wrong. He won't be told what to do. I think his will good.
Narrator (Russ):
So you've got plus one. So you're not freaking the fuck out but this thing is weirding you out. This isn't normal.
Amy (OOC):
I turn to me and I go.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
What the fuck?
Narrator (Russ):
You don't see anything Persephony.
Persephone Waterflame (Tom):
Yeah I don't. What do you, what are you talking about Brutus?
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
The, the, the black stuff that.
Narrator (Russ):
It's gone like you don't even see it.
Amy (OOC):
Oh it's gone,
Narrator (Russ):
It's gone by this point. It's gone up your sleeve and into your suit.
Amy (OOC):
Oh, so it's not a constant ooze, it was like... like amorphous figure?
Narrator (Russ):
Amy (OOC):
And it's gone up my sleeve?
Narrator (Russ):
Amy (OOC):
And I'm not freaking the fuck out, somehow.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Oh god.
Narrator (Russ):
I mean, you can freakout.
Amy (OOC):
I start to I start to take my my suit off like it's up here.
Carla (OOC):
Can you feel it or did you just see it.
Narrator (Russ):
You just you just saw it. You didn't really feel anything touching your arm, but you saw it and you saw it climb up in under your suit.
Amy (OOC):
I start to disrobe.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
I need to check on, I need to check on something.
Amy (OOC):
And I dropped the rock to the floor.
Cecilia (Carla):
You definitely... you definintely shouldn't be taking all your clothes... I told you not to take your helment off,
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Just... Cecilia...
Cecilia (Carla):
I just really I just really don't think that.
Brutus Dixon (Amy):
Relax yourself. I just need to check something.
Narrator (Russ):
And you stop talking. You are suddenly standing still. Your eyes roll back into your head and black veins begin spreading from your face. Persephony you see this and Cecilia you see this. And then the alarms go off.
Narrator (Russ):
Cecelia hears footsteps like heavy footsteps running down the hall and busting into the door.
Narrator (Russ):
Facing Fate, Season one, Luna Corp., day one. With your Game Master, Russ More and players Amy More, Carla Maxted and Tom Laird. Production and sound design by Russ More. Theme Music by Eli McIlveen. The songs Zombie Hoodoo and Long Note two are by Kevin McCloud of Incompetent.FilmMusic.io. Artwork by Kessi Riliniki. The game system used his FATE Core by Evil Hat Productions. Supporting producers are Gabriel Lynch, Joshua Dixson, Christian Brown, Devin Micheals, Kat WaterFlame and Jacob Madden. Follow and share episodes to your friends on Twitter @facingfatecast or Facebook.com/facingfatecast. Become a patron of Dumb Dragons Productions today to support Facing Fate and hear the entire first season, as well as becoming the first to hear Future Seasons and joined monthly hangouts with the cast. Visit and join us on Patreon at Patreon.com/DumbDragonCast.
Narrator (Russ):
A Dumb Dragons Production.
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