
How to Run an Effective Online Meeting

Running effective online meetings is a common challenge for businesses. The biggest hurdle many face is keeping participants engaged and productive.

According to a 2022 survey by Zippia, 37% of employee time is spent in meetings, yet executives consider over 67% of meetings to be failures. This highlights the need for improved online meeting strategies.

The key is leveraging the right tools and techniques to facilitate meaningful discussions, decision-making, and action planning, ensuring that all attendees are engaged and aligned.

James Clear, in the book “Atomic Habits,” writes about how 1% improvements across a wide range of individual elements can significantly affect whatever you’re trying to accomplish. Here’s a detailed explanation of all the core elements where 1% improvements can significantly improve the quality of your online meetings.

What is an Effective Online Meeting?

An effective online meeting is a virtual gathering that enables participants to communicate, collaborate, and achieve specific objectives efficiently. It leverages digital platforms and tools to facilitate meaningful discussions, decision-making, and action planning, ensuring that all attendees are engaged and aligned.

Why is Running an Effective Online Meeting Important?

Running an effective online meeting is essential for several reasons that impact both individual and organizational success.

  • Ensures Clear Communication: Effective online meetings facilitate clear and concise communication, preventing misunderstandings and ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • Boosts Productivity: Well-run meetings keep participants focused and on task, leading to more efficient decision-making and progress. When meetings are organized and have clear objectives, time is used more effectively.
  • Enhances Collaboration: Online meetings provide a platform for team collaboration, fostering a sense of unity and collective effort. This is especially important for teams working in different locations.
  • Saves Time and Resources: Effective meetings minimize time wastage and reduce the need for follow-up sessions. This optimization of resources is crucial for maintaining productivity and reducing operational costs.
  • Supports Remote Work: Effective online meetings are crucial for maintaining connectivity and coordination in remote work environments. They help ensure that remote workers remain integrated into the team and aligned with the organization’s goals.
  • Enhances Decision-making: By providing a structured environment for discussion, effective meetings help in making informed and timely decisions, which are vital for business growth.

With that said, here are some tips to run an effective, engaging, and decisive online meeting.

1. Set Clear Objectives and Agenda

Before scheduling an online meeting, ask yourself what you aim to accomplish. Is it to make a decision, brainstorm ideas, or provide updates? Having a clear purpose helps keep the meeting focused and ensures all participants understand the expected outcomes.

Create a Specific Agenda

Once you’ve defined the meeting’s purpose, break it down into specific topics and allocate time for each item. A concise, well-structured agenda helps keep the meeting on track and ensures all important points are covered. Include any relevant links, documents, or resources participants should review beforehand.

Share the Agenda in Advance

Send the agenda to all participants at least 24 hours before the meeting. This gives attendees time to prepare, gather their thoughts, and come ready to contribute. It also allows them to raise any concerns or suggest additional topics, ensuring a more productive discussion.

When creating your agenda, prioritize items based on importance and urgency. Place the most critical topics at the beginning of the meeting when participants are most engaged. Be realistic about the time allocated for each item, and build in some buffer time for unexpected discussions or technical issues.

Remember, a clear agenda is the foundation of an effective online meeting. It sets expectations, keeps everyone focused, and maximizes the time you have together. By investing time in defining your objectives and creating a specific agenda, you’ll set your online meeting up for success.

2. Choose the Right Platform and Tools

Selecting the right virtual meeting platform is key to running an effective online meeting. Look for a platform that offers the features you need, such as screen sharing, chat, and recording capabilities. Some popular options in 2024 include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.

  • Ensure Accessibility: Make sure all participants have access to the platform and are comfortable using it. Provide clear instructions on how to join the meeting and navigate the platform’s features.
  • Familiarize Yourself with the Tools: Take the time to explore the platform’s features and tools before the meeting. This will allow you to troubleshoot any issues and ensure a smooth experience for all participants.
  • Consider Transcription Services: Accurate meeting transcriptions can be a valuable resource for reviewing key points and action items. Services like Sonix can provide automated transcriptions in just a few minutes and summarize hour-long meetings, saving you time and effort.

When choosing a platform, also consider factors such as security, scalability, and integration with other tools you use. Look for a platform that offers end-to-end encryption and robust privacy controls to protect sensitive information shared during the meeting.

3. Test Your Tech Preemptively

To ensure a seamless online meeting experience, take the time to prepare your technology and environment beforehand and encourage other participants to do the same. 

  • Test Audio and Video: Before the meeting, check that your microphone, speakers, and camera are working properly. Conduct a test call with a colleague or use the platform’s built-in testing features to identify and resolve any issues.
  • Ensure a Stable Internet Connection: A stable internet connection is crucial for a smooth online meeting. If possible, use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi to minimize the risk of dropouts or lag. If you have a streaming service or download running in the background, they should be shut down.
  • Choose a Quiet, Well-lit Location: Find a space where you can participate in the meeting without distractions or background noise. Ensure that your face is well-lit and visible on camera, and consider using a virtual background if your surroundings are cluttered or unprofessional.
  • Use Headphones: Wearing headphones can help reduce echo and feedback, as well as improve audio quality for both you and other participants. Opt for a headset with a built-in microphone for the best results.

By taking these steps to prepare your technology and environment, you’ll minimize the risk of technical issues and distractions during the meeting, allowing everyone to focus on the discussion at hand.

4. Foster Active Participation

Encouraging active participation is essential for a productive and engaging online meeting. Here are some strategies to help foster involvement from all attendees:

Use Inclusive Language

When facilitating the meeting, use language that invites participation and values diverse perspectives. Avoid phrases that may discourage people from speaking up, such as “Does anyone have anything to add?” Instead, try open-ended questions like “What are your thoughts on this topic?”

Encourage the Use of Chat and Reactions

Encourage participants to use the platform’s chat feature to ask questions, share ideas, or provide feedback without interrupting the speaker. You can also use reactions like “thumbs up” or emojis to gauge agreement or understanding quickly.

Create Space for Quieter Voices

Some participants may be hesitant to speak up in a virtual setting. To ensure everyone has the opportunity to contribute, consider using techniques like round-robin sharing, where each person takes a turn speaking. You can also use breakout rooms for smaller group discussions, which may feel less intimidating for some.

By actively fostering participation, you’ll create a more dynamic and engaging online meeting where everyone feels heard and valued. This, in turn, can lead to better ideas, decisions, and outcomes for your team.

5. Manage Time and Stay on Track

Effective time management is crucial for running a productive online meeting. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

  • Start and End on Time: Respect everyone’s time by starting and ending the meeting promptly. If you need to extend the meeting, check with participants first to ensure they’re available and willing to continue.
  • Assign a Timekeeper: Designate someone to keep track of time and alert the group when it’s time to move on to the next agenda item. This can help prevent discussions from running over and ensure all topics are covered.
  • Use a Timer: Consider using a visible timer to help everyone stay aware of the time remaining for each agenda item. Many virtual meeting platforms have built-in timers, or you can use a separate tool like a phone app or online countdown clock.
  • Be Prepared to Adjust: Despite your best efforts, unexpected issues or urgent topics may arise during the meeting. Be flexible and ready to adjust the agenda if needed while still ensuring that the meeting’s overall objectives are met.
  • Summarize and transition: As you move through the agenda, take a moment to summarize key points and decisions before transitioning to the next topic. This helps keep everyone on the same page and ensures a smooth flow between agenda items.

By managing time effectively, you’ll ensure that your online meetings are focused, productive, and respectful of everyone’s schedules. This can lead to better engagement, decision-making, and overall meeting outcomes.

6. Establish Meeting Etiquette and Ground Rules

Communicate your expectations for participation, communication, and behavior at the beginning of the meeting. This ensures everyone is on the same page and helps prevent disruptions or misunderstandings.

As a rule of thumb, ask participants to mute their microphones when they’re not speaking to minimize background noise and distractions. This simple rule can significantly improve the audio quality and clarity of the meeting.

Other than that, here are a few basic ground rules that work great for all kinds of meetings.

Establish a Hand-raising System

As the meeting organizer, you should implement a clear system for participants to indicate when they want to speak. The virtual hand-raising feature built into meeting apps can work great in this regard. This helps prevent people from talking over each other and ensures everyone has a chance to contribute.

Set Guidelines for Chat and Reactions

Provide guidance on how to use the chat and reaction features appropriately. Encourage participants to use chat for relevant questions, comments, or links, and reactions to express agreement or support without interrupting the speaker.

Address Multitasking

While it’s tempting to multitask during online meetings, it can be distracting and detrimental to engagement. Encourage participants to minimize multitasking and give their full attention to the meeting. If the meeting is a longer one (2 hours or more), build in short breaks for people to check emails or attend to urgent matters.

7. Evaluate and Improve

While a meeting may not be the kind of thing that you’d request feedback for, it can be a great way to increase the effectiveness of your online meetings.

After the meeting, ask participants for their feedback on what worked well and what could be improved. You can use a quick survey or poll, or simply ask for thoughts in the chat or via email. Be open to constructive criticism and use it to refine your meeting processes.

When you’re taking in feedback for your meeting, take some time to reflect on your own performance as a meeting organizer or facilitator. Consider what you did well and where you could improve. Did you stick to the agenda and manage time effectively? Did you encourage participation and handle disruptions gracefully?

Apart from that, stay up-to-date with the latest online meeting tools and techniques, and don’t be afraid to experiment with new approaches. For example, you might try using a virtual whiteboard for brainstorming sessions or incorporating gamification elements to boost engagement. There are tons of AI tools being launched these days. Consider testing out the tools that could improve your meeting processes.

It’s important to remember that meeting SOPs are living documents. You should continuously iterate and adapt your approach based on feedback, reflections, and new ideas. As you gain more experience and confidence, you’ll develop a meeting style that works best for you and your team.

8. Engage Participants

Meetings are monotonous and despite being useful, can be dreadfully boring at times. Keeping participants engaged is one of the biggest challenges of online meetings. Without the natural flow of in-person conversations, it’s easy for attendees to tune out or become distracted. Here are some strategies to encourage interaction and keep everyone involved:

Start With an Icebreaker

Begin the meeting with a brief check-in or icebreaker activity to build rapport and create a positive atmosphere. This could be as simple as asking everyone to share one good thing that happened to them recently or a fun fact about themselves. You could ask the participants if they managed to catch the game last weekend or talk about TV shows that the majority of the attendees might be following.

Icebreakers help participants feel more comfortable and connected, setting the stage for more open and productive discussions.

Ask Open-ended Questions

Throughout the meeting, ask open-ended questions to stimulate discussion and encourage participants to share their thoughts. Instead of asking yes-or-no questions, use prompts like “What are your thoughts on this topic?” or “How do you think we could approach this challenge?” Be sure to allow sufficient time for responses and avoid rushing through the agenda.

Encourage the Use of Video

Whenever possible, encourage participants to turn on their video cameras. Seeing each other’s faces can help create a more personal and engaging atmosphere, and it also allows you to pick up on non-verbal cues and body language. 

However, it’s important not to enforce using video as an official rule. Everyone has different circumstances and they might not be in an environment that allows them to turn their camera on.

Allow for Breaks and Stretch Time

If you regularly host longer meetings, build in short breaks or stretch time to help participants stay focused and energized. Encourage attendees to stand up, move around, or do some quick stretches during these breaks. This can help combat meeting fatigue and keep everyone more engaged and productive throughout the session.

Recognize and Appreciate Contributions

Be sure to acknowledge and appreciate participants’ contributions throughout the meeting. Thank attendees for sharing their thoughts or asking questions, and highlight particularly insightful or valuable comments. This recognition can help encourage continued engagement and make participants feel valued and heard.

9. Summarize Key Points and Action Items

As the meeting draws to a close, take a few minutes to recap the main discussion points and decisions made. This helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands the outcomes of the meeting.

  • Review Key Takeaways: Briefly summarize the most important points covered during the meeting, highlighting any significant insights, agreements, or conclusions reached. This reinforces the purpose of the meeting and emphasizes the progress made.
  • Clarify Action Items: Clearly define any action items that emerged from the meeting, including specific tasks, projects, or next steps. Be sure to assign each action item to a specific person or team, along with a deadline for completion. This accountability helps ensure that the work gets done and the meeting’s objectives are met. You can send the list of actions on your company channels on Slack, Asana, etc. as well.
  • Use meeting notes for reference: Meeting notes and transcriptions serve as a valuable resource for reviewing key points and action items after the meeting. They allow team members to revisit important discussions and decisions at their convenience, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

10. Follow Up and Share Meeting Notes

After the meeting, it’s a good idea to send all participants a concise summary that includes the main discussion points, decisions made, and next steps. This recap helps reinforce key takeaways and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Along with the meeting summary, share any documents, presentations, or resources that were discussed or referenced during the meeting. If you recorded the meeting or have a transcription, include a link to those materials as well. Having all relevant information in one place makes it easy for team members to review and reference later.

11. Experiment with Meeting Formats

In 2024, the landscape of online meetings continues to evolve, with new technologies and best practices emerging regularly. To keep your meetings fresh, engaging, and productive, consider experimenting with different meeting formats and techniques.

Flipped Meetings

In a flipped meeting, participants review materials and complete pre-work before the live discussion. This allows the meeting time to be focused on active collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making rather than passive information sharing.

Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are short, focused presentations, typically lasting 5-10 minutes each. They can be a great way to share updates, pitch ideas, or spark discussions in a fast-paced, engaging format. Multiple speakers can present in a single meeting, keeping the energy high and the content varied.

Fishbowl Discussions

In a fishbowl discussion, a small group of participants (the “fishbowl”) engages in a focused conversation while the rest of the group observes. Observers can rotate into the fishbowl at designated times, allowing for a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives.


Incorporate game elements into your meetings to increase engagement and motivation. This could include using quizzes, challenges, or rewards to encourage participation and learning. Gamification can be particularly effective for team-building or training sessions.

As you explore new meeting formats, remember that the goal is to create a more engaging, inclusive, and productive collaboration space for your remote team. By staying open to experimentation and iteration, you can find the right mix of techniques to support your team’s evolving needs in 2024 and beyond.

Final Thoughts

Running effective online meetings is a skill that evolves with experience and the right set of tools. With a focus on clear objectives, participant engagement, time management, and diligent follow-up, you can transform your virtual meetings into productive and enjoyable experiences. 

If you’re looking to further maximize the usefulness and effectiveness of your online meetings, consider adding Sonix to your workflow. Sonix offers innovative solutions to streamline your meeting transcription and note-taking processes, enhancing the efficiency of your online meetings. With its advanced AI-generating transcript with 99% accuracy and features like speaker labeling, diarization, and automated summaries, Sonix is the ultimate assistant to make your meetings more productive than before.

Interested to see what Sonix can do for your meetings? Sign up today for a 30-minute free trial. No credit card required.

How to Run an Effective Online Meeting: Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the 5 P’s of Meetings?

The 5 P’s of meetings are:

  • Purpose: Define the objective and desired outcome.
  • Participants: Identify who needs to attend and their roles.
  • Preparation: Ensure necessary materials and information are ready.
  • Process: Establish the agenda and structure for the meeting.
  • Product: Determine the deliverables or action items resulting from the meeting.

These elements help ensure meetings are focused, efficient, and productive, aligning with organizational goals.

How Do You Structure an Online Meeting?

To structure an online meeting, start by defining clear objectives and setting a detailed agenda, sharing it beforehand. Choose a reliable virtual meeting platform and assign roles like facilitator, timekeeper, and note-taker. Prepare and distribute necessary materials in advance to ensure informed discussions. 

During the meeting, engage participants actively and manage time efficiently. Finally, summarize key points and outline action items, ensuring follow-up tasks are clearly assigned and deadlines are set. This approach ensures focused and productive online meetings.

What is a Productive Meeting?

A productive meeting is one that achieves its objectives efficiently and effectively. It is well-planned with a clear agenda and goals, ensuring all participants understand the purpose. Key roles like a facilitator and note-taker help keep the meeting on track. 

Active participation and focused discussions are encouraged, leading to informed decision-making. Action items and next steps are clearly defined, with assigned responsibilities and deadlines. Overall, a productive meeting maximizes time and resources, resulting in tangible outcomes and progress.


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